Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

needles was a PR-y name imo thats all on u


starting game with n0 is common in some of those fast pased chat mafia games (like epicmafia always started on n0; games last like 20 minutes) but on forum yeah its gunna feel bad to die before being able to post


nightstart should be more common because “you do not get to play” is really funny


how many people guessed I was Daan?

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mafia holstered n1 this game to go for some kind of a play, but otherwise 2 poor sods woulda died :crying_cat_face:

i bet noone, you didnt talk enough about how sleepy you were


I legitimately screwed up my mech, but I did manage to play my part

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Was I supposed to get told who visited Ossa from my night 2 action?

because I saw that Marcoh visited the prince, but got nothing else that night

you weren’t supposed to get told I visited someone
my abilities aren’t supposed to be seen
but yeah

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I see…

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so I got screwed over because Psycho king

everyone got screwed over because psycho king ur ok

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so, eliza.

we need to talk about it.

you are secretly some kind of a genius mafia prodigy? so, it is not skill you lack. far from it. it is just desire? some games you just dont wanna try?

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its less that i dont want to try and more that i just lose WIM quickly
which is roughly the same thing

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fair enough. you are young afaik, and wim is quite flimsy and turbulent at that stage. very well. i see a future mafia champion right there.

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a lot of ppl are salty about the psycho king killing people. i understand the frustrations mechanically

but it is fair to say that socially eliza outplayed everyone. and ultimately mafia is a social game above all, at least for me

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I’m not salty about that, but more so kicking my butt because I didn’t consider it


i would be shocked to see you salty about anything at all. you’re just an adorable sleepy golden retriever. pat pat, gorta. have a nap