Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

Do you have all the information related to my investigation?

I mean, I have been reading up and draw conclusion.

I’ll happily eat the arrow.

Abella did have Pav, Levi, Daan and Tanaka on the bottom of legacy reads.

Levi is executed last day, do we want to follow that list that’s the question

@BlackKalev You didn’t found anyone?

No. But wasn’t redirected last night.
Not sure what to think of it.

Abella feels like an NK kill to be honest. Osaa was attacked by the actual factional kill who are worried about being night killed by town killers


That’s my read on the kills at this moment in time.

Cult + Unseen = 2 kills.

It’s possible there’s no NK and that’s what’s going on instead but I really don’t like two converters


In my honest opinion you likely received bad info

Which role interaction would cause this kind of results?

I do not know as of this moment, but it seems to anti-town to have 2 converters in the same game.

Then we have only one kill. If Ossa was attacked by the hunter then we should have had two other kills with two evil factions.

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It’s not a framer, but I didn’t check anything else.

I do wish to get to the bottom of this today.

I still do not think you are lying about the info you received though.

It just doesn’t sound possible to me

I seem to be in a spot of bother huh…
let me read what i am being voted for this time

To clarify this means you got a greencheck right?

Dont out it obviously but yeah