Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

All neutrals are accounted for correct?

i didnt get anything to say as such?
But i think at this point i need to out either way

I am C.W who stone skinned last night.

but i know thats a “take it with a pinch of salt” but thats the true and only explanation i can give you

So, if this is correct we still have to figure out how Ossa was attacked.

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For the record I am not saying you are lying quite yet.

Nothing is making sense to me here right now.

Again. i am not expecting this to be an instant believe me thing.

why do we have the intication that ossa was attacked?

Its ok Pocket cat
nothing makes sense to me either

Our dear friend Tanaka is claiming a semi-heal.

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ah! ok.

I did ask one more question which explains the situation a little, but also makes it more complicated at the same time.
Which makes it somewhat more likely that it was result of weird interaction and not a valid result. It explains how this multiball would work, but make the game go far away from classic FoL.

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I’d really like an allies chat with the king tonight but the day’s just started so we’ll see

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No wait I checked the elected king they don’t get grand trial

theoretically Samarie could have been healed, no?
(this is me saying if you healed Samarie claim it now or forever hold your peace)

don’t have it, unfortunately

They’re claiming to have stone skinned as a court wizard, but yeah in theory they could have been healed too

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what are your other abilities?

Would have been super handy here ngl. That’s alright though.

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Alter self
wall of ice
vampric touch

did you do anything N1?

i casted alter self