Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

That is not normal.
Neither is any of answers I received. They differ a lot from what we expected.

And I’m mostly asking them due to stuff I didn’t expect to exist. So I’m checking what else was changed and hidden from us more or less.
I doubt anyone else is doing it.

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ohh u are claiming neutral, sorry im trying my best to get all the info

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Yeah, I’m the Alchemist, I used my Black Tar ability on Day 2 on Karin who confirmed it.

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Where does this come from?

ya idk how i missed that, I hit ctrl f and put stoneskin and somehow only ended up catching the wizard variants, and the plague doctor one


Yeah control + f is buggy. It misses all the trollbox roles, and other stuff.

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Actually, I’ll make one more message.

Any response to me other than to

  1. Agree with my premises
  2. Vote for me
  3. Accuse me of being the fool
  4. Declare me gamethrowing town

Cannot be playing to a town win condition objectively speaking, including ignoring me.

fuck off


i literally dont even know what ur premise is, so its either a mindlessly agree, or i vote u, or accuse u of gamethrowing
thanks for the choices

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You foolish gamethrowing town, I agree with you.


Objection! Ignoring you doesn’t necessarily contradict declaring you of gamethrowing town. Not all people prefer being confrontational, and sometimes ignoring someone is their preferred method. I think you are differentiating the two because you really desire people to interact with you!

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remind me again how u know this?

@Kaiser maybe other way around. I will explain how much I understand from your premise and try my best to answer it.

So first,

That’s your scumteam. By my wincon being finding Oraimancer you mean that only way I shouldn’t be lynched is proving that redierctor does exist.
What I don’t understand is why do you consider only Oraimancer, nor why do you say it should be easier for me to point one.

But let’s start with basics, obviously for me this scum team makes no sense, since I’m on it. What’s more it doesn’t explain certain events today, like why Samarie was immune. If I was to fix it for you, putting me as CL and Samarie as actual Cabalist who could make themselves immune would work better.

But on the other hand - that would directly disprove the Oraimancer theory, considering any world where Cabalist exists instantly provides you with a different redirect (blink I believe?). With enough mana to cast both it and stoneskin.
Or Apostle faking results. Which I’m starting to lean more towards.
Or if we stay inside your theory on Marina - Gex being starting invoker means they could take Gex abilities and redirect stuff to themselves.

It’s not like Oraimancer is only redirector after all. So we (me and I assume the thread) fail to see your logic here.

I know you are biased on Samarie being CL due to S/I check. Unluckily, CW / Sage / Cabalist are also special. So I also don’t understand your premise on this exact scumteam role selection.

That’s more or less it.
Could you clarify the points I (we?) don’t understand?

Specific faction investigation feedback + unspecific redirect target feedback.

I don’t think quoting exact feedback is allowed?
But basically something along the lines of “You were redirected. Your target was member of Cult”

ya, no no on the quoting exact feedback,
so in the case of night 2 u know they are town, but u dont know who u targeted for that cult info because of the redirect?

nvm i should really read

if know one claimed that redirect ima just assume they are a wolf

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My main question is if Marina’s ability got whole delayed due to chronomancer on Osaa or if that would delay only part of vote randomizer on them.
If it’s whole, Chronomancer should be confirmed due to delaying the post restriction?

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VOTE: Karin

Only part of Gex ability is delayed by chronomancer, okay.