Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

i do kinda think that altspec is intentional
given the whole possessor thing

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How in the world does alt hunting only benefit scum? Who we really are doesnā€™t affect our roles after all or our alignments.

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fair tbh actually

although finding a possible poss for me would be less alt speccing and moreso just looking if xyz are posting how they usually would

idk if this makes sense lmfao

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yeah valid

if there is an Oneiromancer may I join the dream sphere

why would you want to join the dream sphere?

Also, you might want to be careful with voting due to my passive. Which is that if Iā€™m voting for someone thatā€™s voting for me, my vote counts as triple.


Lets Discuss This Tomorrow Shall We.

Yes sure o7

I dream about joining the dream sphere


What Town Role Has This Passive?

okay guys Lets all pretend we never saw this. think osaa is still a bit loopy from the opium given to them during their open heart surgery

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am i a little stupid or did 2 people soft archer already

thats absurd

Oh Fascinating We Can Try It Tomorrow

why not today

It doesnā€™t reflect on vc tho

why is there reading

I Can Try Help You Guys Solve The Game Out Of Sheer Boredom. Sure Why Not.