Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

Because, I softed something that is involved with Abella, what more hints do you need

well yeah but you’re saying it’s nothing personal and that abella suspected me so it sounds an awful lot like you’re gonna shoot me



I can’t kill you obviously, not after abella


For now I believe that

However between Karin and Samerie then I know what I can do

Sorry for your rand dear @Samarie

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I was gonna make a joke then i get called scum again.


I have been told that my delay will still send everything at the victim of my choice (or the original target if I do nothing) 2 days later, so a watcher would see the attacker once that resolves

you two should kiss

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This is important to make note of, since someone has claimed they watched osaa N2 and I want this as public information

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You are in peace for now

It doesn’t mean the other claim will go anywhere

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if i clap my hands and wish really hard. it may

So what would you suggest, vote the counterclaim obviously?

can i ask you the reasoning for abella’s death. not how you did it or anything about your role.

more or less why

Right, its about social deductions
Check her legacy log on post #381

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don’t know i would have to read. i been asleep and at (insert place i go during the day). i’ll leave that till when i get back, but i still never got an answer back on can their be multiple of the same character in one game. if not kareen is just evil

Look at end of day 2 and you will see where I find Abella suspicious enough to kill her