LFOL Cringe Compilation

alright so what if senex gives people trollboxes

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and you like stack trollboxes on somebody you checked as evil

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so they trollbox this one mf like 20 times in 10 minutes

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senex is forced to give trusted town player trollboxes

also does somebody liking/replying to your post in a PM you have been removed from still show in notifications? Because if so there has to be “hood accounts” so that account-swaps don’t also show the content of hoods


day ability: remove one e from your class name (2 uses)

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if you’re not in the PM u shouldnt get notifs from it, but if you get notifs and then get removed they still go thru iirc

fuck it we ball

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Yah that’s what i was worried about

alright baseline ability for every role to reveal as senex


I’m assuming that senex alignment is meant to be revealed upon flip? if not the SNX can’t actually happen because it more or less confirms a senex as a Town senex upon flip because evil senex would be using Teachings instead of the snx ability.

I think it is meant to (or should be) reveal alignment upon flip

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you’re being too reasonable

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alright imma try to human shit

Someone has to be reasonable because a lot of fun concepts dont work in execution if even one player takes the time to think out how to maximize EV


  • should be able to trollbox
  • giving it to town senex will lead to the lame play being optimal so we don’t do that
  • should reveal its alignment on death
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lame play being optimal means we fucked up

we want an idea rat race

it should also be able to reveal and check in the same day as evil senex

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because there will be a ‘reveal immediately’ meta for this motherfucker

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