LFOL Cringe Compilation


im not 100% sure about it but when would that come into play? im kinda confused at what ur concerned about

can test stuff w you if needed i have a couple accounts

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If a tavernkeeper swaps someone into a priest that player is now confirmed as the priest. Or a chancellor, confirms them as chancellor even if removed from the PM. And actually, even if one player was added to a PM and another removed, that still confirms that player as having been swapped. Such as in Dream Sphere.

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neighborhoods are on discord

I was thinking something like this, but even then the accounts would have to be host-controlled and not-100%-connected-to-account so that a player who is swapped from one account to another still has hood access without confirming them as having been swapped or taking away their access

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Frankly the best solution is “why the FUCK does oreomancer exist get rid of it” but even then that doesn’t catch every scenario

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yeah oreomancer is probably just unfun

unless you make it litearlly just strigoi

sending that role to hell


I think someone nuked the account swap

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I was convinced to add it back

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by me, who is just now seeing the problems with it. it’s funny but no

poss should just get access to all neighborhoods the prev account was in, besides wolfchat

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Besides the role is becoming homestuck bus driver

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that’s fucking dumb

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i’m racist

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Yes whispers or ‘fuck no geyde we aren’t doing whispers’

Whispers are centralizing in a way that actively reduces fun so I’m super against

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