Hosted by Frostwolf103 and co-hosted by Beancat
1. Rules
Follow the Forum Game Rules.
For low intensity Russian Roulette misc game with cards, you are required to ping the host(s) on game thread and on private message thread at least once per round for drawing cards within 24 hours
Fail to heed the former rules more than twice, and you will be subbed out and replaced by new player.
2. Gameplay Mechanics
The game has 30 cards in the deck: 9 Queen Cards, 9 King Cards, 9 Ace Cards, 3 Joker Cards and each player has revolver gun with one bullet that is intended for Russian Roulette.
The round will determined with either Queen’s Table, King’s Table or Ace’s Table as the correct card value intended to draw from your private message topic.
The Joker Card has same value as table’s card value thus this means for example on Queen’s table you can draw the Joker card like a Queen Card.
The card deck will be shuffled and distribute 6 cards for all 5 players, new cards will be shuffled and distributed for next round when Russian Roulette is used.
In order to draw your cards on your turn, you open your private message topic and select which card(s) you want to draw for your turn, you can draw about 1-3 cards and when your choice is made then this means your turn is over, the cards are announced and shown as faced down so other players can’t see what you have drawn from your private message topic.
You can attempt to draw away all of your cards on upcoming turns, when you are not called out as liar and you got no cards remaining then you are safe from Russian Roulette this round, temporarily removed from turn order until Russian Roulette is used or all living players have drawn all their cards without being called out will proceed to next round. This circumstance is changed with two players remaining in the game.
The next player is now on their turn can decide to draw their card(s) or call you out as liar, being called out will reveal the last drawn card(s), here are the potential outcomes:
The card(s) of Player 1 are revealed as correct value from this table’s value such as Queen’s Card(s) and Joker card(s) on Queen’s Table round meaning that Player 2 have incorrectly called out Player 1 as liar must now play Russian Roulette, Player 2 can potentially be eliminated from the game when they got the bullet shot from the chamber.
The card(s) of Player 3 are revealed as wrong value from this table’s value such as King Card(s) or/and Queen Card(s) on Ace’s Table round meaning Player 4 have correctly calling out Player 3 as liar must now play Russian Roulette, Player 3 can potentially be eliminated from the game when they got bullet shot from the chamber.
The player that got eliminated can no longer talk in game thread, the eliminated player is invited to join spectator chat.
The game is officially over when at least four players get eliminated, leaving the single player last standing as victorious winner.
3. Players
1: Ishmael
2: Kelsier
3: Leafia
4: Marluna
5: Daeron
4. Backups and Spectators
5. Game threadstate
Post #24, First round
Post #33, Kelsier calls out Aleph, Aleph plays Russian Roulette, 1/6
post #77 Kelsier calls out Aleph, Kelsier plays Russian Roulette, Kelsier is eliminated on play by 1/6
Post #99 Daeron calls out Marluna, Daeron plays Russian Roulette 1/6
Post #120, Leafia calls out Ishmael’s bluff, Ishmael plays Russian Roulette 2/6, Ishmael is eliminated from game