Maybot Testing Thread

Im town


I was testing in a private topic where the pings didn’t matter
I forgot pms break that

I thought of something evil

What if i wanna vote May, but i vote Mаy instead? The a is the bulgarian character in the second May, which looks identicak, but i thiiink is different character? Different character code, for the sake of passwords and such

So what if i do that, and then the bot will just mess up my votes, and then i can claim that the bot broke and get away with making a vote thst socially manipulated people

This whole plan is if im mafia

(Sorry may nothing to do with u or that u can do about it im jsut entertaining myself)

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I used to use this trick to get the name May back when Discord only let 9999 people have the same name


May (regular a) was taken 9999 times over but May (cyrillic a) was not. I was impossible to ping



The bot doesnt scan all posts right? Only scans the vc?

Every (xyz) minutes, it pulls the VC from the latest post, resolves all the votes, and then posts that votecount/updates the VC to match

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I mean
you can claim that but people can check and you’d be outed


If you did that, the host would also be tricked, and so they’d manually fix the votecount and inadvertently foil your plans.


Oh also may

This is just a suggestion, its up to your preference

But id personally disallow any substrings to be parsed, probably?

It loses out on the convenience of say writing benguined instead of the full name. But u dont vote very often

But like a person voting for “M” and then people solving what it means it could probably be more trouble than worth? Or like accidentally voting someone you dont. I dunno. Forcing players to be fully accurate when voting might be good?

Uo to you heheh i havent thought about it that hard

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Whaaaaa :scream:

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Did maf win yet i was buisy


It is against the game rules to place ambiguous votes on purpose. That is what the top post says. I figured it’s better to just keep the substrings and tell people not to fuck around, because poeple can just not fuck around


I’m supposed to be fixing something but I got distracted by Ruina


Is there anything we can even do to fuck up the bot

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best way to do that is to resolve ambiguous substrings to not voting, and resolve unambiguous substrings normally


There were like five separate occasions where I considered implementing this and I decided not to do it every single time


It’s either there’s something really annoying about implementing it or it causes some kind of weird issue, but I don’t remember what. I only remember when I get about halfway through the implementation


Okay. So