Maybot Testing Thread

The bot should be up and running again

WAIT I forgot I need to

I need to make my ocmment clearer on that line .Okay the bot should be up and running again AND posting votecounts oon

penguinedbarbecue (1): Chloe
tuutu (1): Chloe
Mangus (1): Chloe
Unvote (Yes, the name) (1): Magnus
May (1): benguinedparbecue
Maybot (1): benguinedparbecue
test (1): tutuu
benguinedparbecue (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 1 (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 2 (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (7): Arete, Bionic, cat, beancat, pandora, YouButWorse, Litten

Oh, I forgot. It doesn’t actually delete unresolvable votes. It leaves them.

This was an intentional choice but I forget why I made it

Should I make that choice? Is it better for invalid votes to just be deleted? I suppose it probably is, to avoid confusion

why did it spoil test

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benguinedparbecue (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 1 (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 2 (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (14): Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Magnus, benguinedparbecue, benguinedparbecue, tutuu, Arete, Bionic, cat, beancat, pandora, YouButWorse, Litten

VOTE: i want my rights back

Tutuu put a spoiler in the vote

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Oh I need to reenfranchise you manually also

why do some people register as not voting three times and others only once

It’s also putting people under no vote multiple times which I need to fix

If you place an invalid vote that vote is changed to “NO_VOTE”. If you place multiple invalid votes they are all changed to NO_VOTE

“Not voting” is just a vote for NO_VOTE

I think Vicky moves all invalid votes to instead be voting “Invalid Vote” or something like that. Could you do that? (/Could you do that without making it so that it mis-calculates jailed people if Invalid Vote is in top 3 at EoD?)

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I’m gonna try this. However note that this is new May code and May doesn’t actually know how any code works so everybody try to break it REALLY hard ok

benguinedparbecue (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 1 (1): Zugzwang
No Prisoner 2 (1): Zugzwang
INVALID_VOTE (14): Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Magnus, benguinedparbecue, benguinedparbecue, tutuu, Arete, Bionic, cat, beancat, pandora, YouButWorse, Litten
