Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

this is such a bad vote ash are you trying to 3/3???


VOTE: Anonygoose
VOTE: Chomps
VOTE: Fusionmoon314

I don’t like leaving things up to rand. I would love for these wagons to be different but I don’t think there’s enough people here who agree with me for that to work.

Good luck good luck

Ash (2): pandora, spookycat27
spookycat27 (1): pandora
Badeline (3): pandora, spookycat27, Ash
RedPandas (3): RedPandas, Anonygoose, LittleLee
Anonygoose (6): RedPandas, Anonygoose, LittleLee, Magnus, Chomps, Badeline
Magnus (2): RedPandas, Anonygoose
Chomps (6): LittleLee, Magnus, Chomps, FusionMoon314, Quail, Badeline
FusionMoon314 (5): Magnus, Chomps, FusionMoon314, Quail, Badeline
pandora (2): FusionMoon314, Quail
Prisma101 (1): Ash
Quail (1): Ash

Not Voting (1): Prisma101

You voted to jail the following players:

Chomps, Anonygoose, FusionMoon314

The number of wolves within them is...


Night 1 begins and will end 2024-08-16T21:00:00Z.

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Host Note:

Maybot’s posted votecounts are unordered, but they otherwise match the votecount plugin after they’re posted. Once invalid/ambiguous votes are resolved, the plugin will be accurate (and ordered, so it’s nicer to look at than Maybot’s posts), so you may reference it for the current votecount as long as no invalid votes have been placed since.


During the night, 1 mason was beamed.

Day 2 begins and will end 2024-08-18T21:00:00Z.

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I’ll wait a few more messages before dropping a big message so people read the feedback

But going 1/3 for 1/3 is nice we’re still even

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Hi! This is Badeline in a notepad document here! I’m writing up some quick evaluations of each player in the 1/3 (which I correctly predicted) to try and figure out which one is likely the wolf. Before I begin it’s important to note that I already had a slight scumlean on chomps and a townlean anonygoose. Fusion I didn’t have much of a read on. I’m stating this so that if my prior reads affect my judgement people can see that.

First up is Chomps
After reading through their ISO I don’t want to jump to conclusions but this is probably the mafia out of the 3.
They don’t voice reads on many players besides Redpandas and Quail, yet their readlist is pretty extensive. The biggest thing I noticed is how the only person they voice a scumread on (and push) is Quail, despite supposedly reading Ash, Myself, and Pandora as wolf more (#524 for readlist, #374 for push on quail). They also read fusion as heavily town for “towny vibes”, which reads to me as them making up a read so they have a reason to have fusion in the final 3 wagons, especially since this only comes AFTER the wagons have been suggested by Magnus. (#530)
They were very supportive of the ending wagon (#455), which would make sense if they were wolf and knew it would be 1/3.
Generally I don’t understand how they got a lot of their reads, the reads they seem to push are weak and unfounded, and they were very very ok with the ending wagons (which suggests some TMI on how it would result). It’s very likely that chomps is the wolf out of the 3 but I haven’t read the others yet, so we’ll see.

Anonygoose has been far more active than chomps which is a bonus, and their posts have more substance as well. I can follow their thought progression pretty well. I really really like post #80, their acknowledgement of the weakness of their read but still sticking by it reads as town to me.
After reading #213 and thinking about it again I don’t actually think it’s that AI. It definitely could be but it’s a stupid reason to push someone and base your entire argument around it.
They really want to have Magnus in the first 3, which seems to be because they scumread them and want confirmation on that read. I’m a bit confused by their logic as they still seem to want town in the final 3. Not sure what it says about their alignment. (#214-217)
Note for later, if pandora is ever mech confirmed mafia anon is probably partnered.
Reading anon’s ISO is making me think Ash is mafia even more (#271 and its reply)
Anon did start to townread chomps and fusion around this point, which could be mafia setting themselves up to vote for a 1/3 later in the day with those two. Could be partnered with redpandas, and thats why they voted fusion over pandas. (#277)
The magnus thing is weird but I do get the logic behind it. It’s probably a playstyle thing.
The threads general lack of will to want to switch wagons is something I noticed too so I find it really towny that anon noticed this too. (#441,#442)
I do find it really strange why anon chose to vote for fusion over Pandas at first (#453). I understand it was a response to fusion but I don’t see why they couldn’t just start their own wagon. Easier said than done I guess, but that seems like too simple an explanation.
I think their late day switch to themself redpanda and magnus is fairly towny, and I like their focus on magnus. (#551)
If anongoose was a wolf, the wagons when he switched votes were the end of day wagons and they were in the lead by quite a bit. There’d be no reason for him to try and switch votes and he could easily justify not switching votes if he was wolf.
I think it’s pretty likely that anon is not the wolf out of those 3. Still leaning towards chomps but I did see a few weird fusion posts while ISOing goose that may change my mind. We’ll see.

About half of their ISO is fluff so it’s hard to get a read on their early game stuff. Their constant need to vote does strike me as strange, especially since one of their votes has 2/3 people in the final wagons excluding themselves (#31). Early on though so probably no need to read into it?
Their around for a good bit of the day but don’t talk much or give many reads. In fact they don’t gve a single read in their entire ISO. I can’t believe I didn’t notice this during the day. How did these become the final wagons? Honestly I’m now extremely confused how fusion become a wagon in the first place with their lack of content. There is nothing there to read from them. The fact that they were one of the wagons makes me think they may be scum, but they also don’t seem to be trying to push much agenda. I’m really unsure on their slot.

Overall I think chomps is actively scummier and out of the 3 most likely to be a wolf considering they were pushing for those eod wagons and lack a lot of substance or thought in places where they should be. Anon is the least likely to be maf in my eyes and they do a lot of things that would only complicate the game if they were mafia and would generally be -EV if they were mafia. Fusion is the one I’m the most stuck on and is someone I desperately need to see more content out of today. I think they’re more likely to be town than chomps, but their lack of content makes that hard to say without doubt.


Wrote this before SoD if it isn’t clear. Mafia also getting 1/3 is a bit of consolation.

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What’s your big message?

well you posted yours time to post mine

Hello! This is a post I’m writing before the day starts since i want to put out a lot of thoughts at once about yesterday’s flip.

I’ve reread up on both Anonygoose and Fusionmoon and i think the latter is the wolf in us based on her general lack of game content and her votes which always seemed to have a wolf in my readlist, while Anonygoose also did it a few times, they had a lot more game content and seemed intent to working towards solving. The d1 flip was part my fault since I’ve townread Fusionmoon too easily.

Now, since I’ve talked about Fusionmoon always having one person i scumleaned, i decided to evalulate her votes since i thought a wolf would always try to work towards a 1/3 like yesterday.

Fusionmoon's day 1 votes

While Fusionmoon seems paired with Pandora, i think also examining her other picks can give some extra info since wolves definitely wouldn’t go 3/3 voting.

One that stands out besides me and Anonygoose is Ash who I’ve previously scumleaned but i will grant a townread since i believe he is spewed town.

Of course i am not perfect and covering all bases is always option, so I’ll also evaluate Anonygoose’s votes

Anonygoose's day 1 votes

So from this, i think if Anonygoose was mafia they’d also have sorta spewed Ash town so i think it’s pretty safe to say Ash is town.

My readlist (updated)






And with that i think we almost always hit 2/3 on beaming Fusionmoon, Pandora and a 3rd one, but I’m always open to discuss it of course.

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Are these dots to show who you think is maf and town?
