Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Hello! This is a post I’m writing before the day starts since i want to put out a lot of thoughts at once about yesterday’s flip.

I’ve reread up on both Anonygoose and Fusionmoon and i think the latter is the wolf in us based on her general lack of game content and her votes which always seemed to have a wolf in my readlist, while Anonygoose also did it a few times, they had a lot more game content and seemed intent to working towards solving. The d1 flip was part my fault since I’ve townread Fusionmoon too easily.

Now, since I’ve talked about Fusionmoon always having one person i scumleaned, i decided to evalulate her votes since i thought a wolf would always try to work towards a 1/3 like yesterday.

Fusionmoon's day 1 votes

While Fusionmoon seems paired with Pandora, i think also examining her other picks can give some extra info since wolves definitely wouldn’t go 3/3 voting.

One that stands out besides me and Anonygoose is Ash who I’ve previously scumleaned but i will grant a townread since i believe he is spewed town.

Of course i am not perfect and covering all bases is always option, so I’ll also evaluate Anonygoose’s votes

Anonygoose's day 1 votes

So from this, i think if Anonygoose was mafia they’d also have sorta spewed Ash town so i think it’s pretty safe to say Ash is town.

My readlist (updated)






And with that i think we almost always hit 2/3 on beaming Fusionmoon, Pandora and a 3rd one, but I’m always open to discuss it of course.

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Are these dots to show who you think is maf and town?


Got it. They’re a bit hard to see on vaporwave so I wasn’t sure if it was a theme thing.

site culture

chloe (chomps) moonf (fmoon) and i play on the same place where voting is emphasized much more


like as a Thing

I’m playing league right now and also didn’t intend on staying in thread for long, so I’ll read your post later. Leaving this here as a reminder to read this since I’ve scrolled past it.

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I don’t wanna say I told you so buuuuuuuut

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I’m leaning s!fusion rather than s!chomps rn but honestly I see scum arguments for both of them so I think it’ll be fun to just let them thunderdome for the day

sorry if this gif is nsfw not gonna lie idk what it is cuz my wifi isn’t loading it’s just the first gif that comes up when i type in thunderdome

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I think Fusion is mafia. I also think Magnus is town (along with redpanda which I already thought)

Issue is I’m not 100% on Fusion so firstly it would be great to have a recent mafia game of @Chomps and @FusionMoon314.

Also for low posters at the bare minimum please comment on the dome, it’s super easy to just focus on 3 slots and really will help us solve ur slots.

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We have options for today and none of them are great tbh

1) We shoot for 3/3. I think Fusion/Ash(Badeline?)/one of prism,pandora(littlelee,quail?) is the team.

Obviously highest upside and I think we can probably get a 2/3 here. Problem with this is if we do get 1/3 we literally get 0 info, could be wrong on any of them and then it’s super messy.

2) We run d1 back and do me/redpanda/magnus

If you guys tinfoil me I would like this option as I am 95% confident this is a 0. If you don’t tinfoil me this is a waste of a day. At this point I think we likely to lose to redpanda mafia as they are universally townread.

3) We clear d1 counterwagon from SoD 1.

I am pretty sure there is a mafia on badelina/ash from how for 36 hours of day everyone just dumped on them with different options as third and they’ve both been in POE. I think Badeline signifncalty townier than Ash. If they are both town then D1 understandign changes and will bring other people like Magnus are back in contention. We can just vote them 2 along with someone else.

4) We avoid everything.

We don’t put any of the dome in and go for 3 people completely different. Something like Pandora/Quail/Prism to get more info. I think again likely to be a 1/3 here though - but if we confirm it it ends up making littlee/spooky likely town.

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What do you think we should do today?

Pandora can you share insight into their meta and who you think the mafia is in dome?

Honestly this 1/3 isn’t the worst and we’ve gotten more info from wagonomics than mafia would have liked. But I’d have deffo preferred to be in a dome with players I can more read easier

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Not Voting (12): Quail, Chomps, LittleLee, Ash, Anonygoose, Prisma101, Magnus, spookycat27, pandora, RedPandas, FusionMoon314, Badeline

Get a towncore at EoD and resolve Fusion/Chomps, preferably.
To that end: VOTE: RedPandas VOTE: Spookycat27 VOTE: Anonygoose

I’m also planning on doing a VCA once I finish re-reading D1, since I couldn’t get around to it last night.