Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

and standing against the 1/3

pls just be 2/3 though LOL

I think I needed to get fusion in riiiip

Chomps (2): FusionMoon314, Kanave
Ash (4): FusionMoon314, Badeline, LittleLee, RedPandas
LittleLee (5): FusionMoon314, pandora, spookycat27, Anonygoose, Kanave
Badeline (7): Badeline, LittleLee, pandora, Magnus, Chomps, Quail, spookycat27
RedPandas (1): Badeline
Anonygoose (8): LittleLee, RedPandas, pandora, Magnus, Chomps, Quail, spookycat27, Kanave
Kanave (1): RedPandas
Quail (3): Magnus, Chomps, Quail

Not Voting (1): Ash

You voted to jail the following players:

Anonygoose, Badeline, LittleLee

The number of wolves within them is...


Night 3 begins and will end 2024-08-22T21:00:00Z.


During the night, 3 masons were beamed.

This is the final day. Mafia will win unless all mafia members are jailed today.

Day 4 begins and will end 2024-08-24T21:00:00Z.

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Ok, so unless someone wants to post a heckuva w!LittleLee case, we’ve got Badeline and Goose as lockscum.

Masons, claim right now.

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Where does that leave us in terms of suspects?

Magnus / Pandora / Spooky.


That is the best-case scenario.
It gives us three possible options for the final mafia: me, Quail, or Panda.


I’m startled. I wasn’t expecting the third slot to be guessed.

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(We kinda thought it was Panda, but you shouldn’t take this as gospel.)


It’s fairly to safe to imagine you’ve been spewed town so many times, I had a summary… somewhere.

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Duly noted.
I’m also leaning Panda after yesterday, but I want to hear more from them and Quail before we come for their heads.

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I don’t think I’m going to convince anybody at this point, but I’m still around because littlelee is wolf. Goose is too but that’s mech confirmed, me and lee contain 1 wolf and I know everybody will think it’s me but it’s not. I know people are going to want to take the easy route today and vote me but please take the time to actually reevaluate my slot in comparison to lee. I’ll be making a case on them if I have time.

@Magnus @spookycat27 @pandora

Get. Fudging. Rekt. I’m very happy I got you guys not going to lie.

On that note…

Although I’m allowed to post it’s a bit cringe spamming so this will be my last post until post game since I am mechanically outted. I had an amazing time this game and spent way too long playing soduko finding masons. I wish you the worst of luck in finding my partners and look forward to catching up post game with all of you. Enjoy the rest of the game! For all intents and purposed I am dead :skull:


You were a tad late. Pandora was actually talking about outing of our own volition today if you messed up, although you did clean up your own mistake really well in regards to beaming masons. Oh well, it was fun.