Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

OK I saw this while hunting for ash pfp and i completely agree with this take


oh wait i forgot pandora pfp

Close, but no cigar. You can feel free to ask whenever Lee’s online and available, of course.

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I think we should lock in three town and try towncore it out. We didn’t really manage that last time cuz the town we put in the first round (was a 0/3) weren’t super active after apart from 1 of them

I don’t understand why electing different pools of players each day, thereby narrowing pools, wouldn’t also consequently clear slots by omission. Even in the worst case scenario of finding 1/3 each day, we’d single out pools and have three cleared players by day 4 anyway. In the more realistic likelihood of finding a 0/3 by coincidence, or even a 2/3, significant progress would be made all the more quicker.

By contrast, attempting to clear three slots does nothing but search for deepwolves, who would also be narrowed into a POE if we find consequent 0s (which would have to happen in such a case).


Last game the game ended d4 so it’s not really good enough to have 3 cleared players by d4

If the game ends D4, meaning three nights had already passed, a minimum of three players would already be cleared in the best case scenario. That’s without accounting for the masons, who could out in that case.

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woke up and caught up

read up on redpandas and i can feel the towny energy on him

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my towncore is forming i can feel it we about to power ranger up

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im the red one


So you have the weakest choreography?


yes they do less but are in the middle so look important

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I thought that was suspicious too but I think you’re overstating it. it’s >rand mafia but it’s nothing that town wouldn’t possibly do

The power rangers are in a set for a reason, they’re all equally iconic. You’re thinking of stage musicals where the lead stands front and centre, but unless you’re planning to drop a killer rendition of Go Go Power Rangers, you’ll have to settle for less.

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thread sheeping my reads is how you can tell I’m wrong

The protagonist is never the most interesting character anyway.

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incorrect, my mum says im interesting and also the protagonist so checkmate

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