Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

ash goose and yourself

explain @FusionMoon314 ?

aw i wanted to be the red one

We were still doing RVS, so I don’t feel obligated to explain myself.

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Howdy Chloe!


I can’t believe you left your bird bro out of town. SMH, very disappointed.

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so who would you vote now?


i need everyone to know that moonf and i come from a site where 24 hour days are the norm so being in rvs 20 hours later is a tad unusual


Not saying we’re still in RVS, just saying I’m not really giving it 100%.

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I really like your argument for the rest of this post but I think this detracts from it. I don’t think their kill magnus joke was particularly alignment indicative.

I did this to get players to produce more content to make them easier to read. You can see this working exactly as planned with redpandas, who is now fairly consensus townread after I asked them to explain their thoughts.

Ash did not call me out on what you’re supposedly calling me out on. I don’t know what you consider to be a wallpost but that post was not a wallpost by my standards, it was an explanation of my current headspace. I can tell you a lot of thought did go into that post as I wanted to make my thoughts as clear as possible, both to communicate that clearly and to show how Ash had been acting in the opposite way. I don’t know what you mean by your “mental framework” of me.

This isn’t true. I talk about Ash more than I talk about Red in that post. It’s strange how you interact and talk about Ash in this post.

Right now I can easily see pandora/ash/magnus being a team.

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Could you explain this read for me?

no sorry

do you lean mafia on moon?

Don’t have gut? Don’t have anything? I don’t care what the reasoning is I just want to hear it.

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idk I like their vibes. probably should just be top of null but the pfp gave it edge to be own category.

How does the PFP factor into anything? Is it just a quirky “you” thing?

change pfp to cute kitty, become unofficial IC.

Why’d you zero in on that specific read so much?