Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Goose has pushed s!ash most of the game, I doubt they’re paired

Any specific reason you think badeline/goose are unpaired?

voting for a 3/3 is a 1/54 chance of desired result. voting for a 0/3 is a 20/54 chance of desired result

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The way they butt heads compared to Anon and feels far more… at each others’ heads compared to Anon and Ash. Anon vs Badeline I sense to be a lot less likely to be faked.

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VOTE: badeline VOTE: goose VOTE: ash

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I fully think this vote is not going to tell us anything and we’re going to be led off track but like sure whatever

if we’re not going for a 0/3 in method 3 we should be using method 1 (checking within the previous groups)

badeline and goose look like the votes for today can i interest anyone in voting lee with me

VOTE: bad VOTE: goose VOTE: lee


lee if you’re town help me hit 2/3 in the first two groups

My first instinct would to go for the paralyzed, low posters, Fusion and Prisma(Kanave)
Fusion’s reasonings are all hunches. I don’t recall a claim all on their own.

VOTE: badeline
VOTE: anonygoose
VOTE: quail

I’m just excited to be voted in for the first time

I hyped up the prison experience too much. Don’t get your hopes up.

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At least I’ll learn something when I leave.

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VOTE: Anonygoose
VOTE: Badeline
VOTE: FusionMoon