/vote kiiruma @Host_Account_2
probably going to flip vote to sleep but i like being radical:tm: and i think that isolde is really just a villager here
so im experimanting with this

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/vote kiiruma @Host_Account_2

it wouldn’t be a fol game without cfd’ing kiiruma on day 1

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/vote sleep @Host_Account_2

I would nominally vote Isolde over kiiruma if sleep were to become non-viable, mainly for…game health reasons.

also ive played with catbae once before on mu
we were in a neighbourhood
we said nya to each other a lot
i was a wolf though so i can’t personally vouch for having any experience reading him


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i know we had a gladiate, but i think lol is likely to be wolfing from how eager he was to scumhunt in his village game pretty much straight off the bat but here he’s largely put it off and then attributed it to a “difference in playstyle”

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the only wolfhunting his slot did on day 1 during hydra popcorn was in the form of random offhanded comments saying seth is mafia or the IC was mafia

this is as far as his pushes go this game

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this is a lol post for someone who doesn’t have any development of their reads on kiiruma or isolde
even i came into this day hard-townreading them and trying to explain why and my reads still developed

i largely agree that lol’s decently wolf and i see a lot of brad teammate equity in the ISO too
his townread on brad is meh / feels protective

obviously lol’s not like, obvwolfing or anything, but I agree that I think that’s a ~decent place to go
his macro worldview doesn’t really feel coherent other than “brad v because x” which is
see above

tbh I think if im wrong abt one of brad/cape it’s probably cape
just because lots of honestly somewhat wolfy people are looking quite w/w with brad and it’s giving me steam on that front

arctic is my new big favorite (for this game)

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from my poe last night of night/gorta/lol/mist/catbae the only one that looks vaguely unaligned with any of them is night since catbae and mist are both made aligning pushes on YBW

lol/mist/catbae all townread each other early for fairly bad reasons

brad could be a misclear but i’d rather kill these people first



im too smooth what can i say

i’m literally not townreading either of these people

i might be a bit emotionally clingy this game
it’s a thing im trying out to try to avoid negative/intrusive thoughts that are the mental problems ive mentioned in signups

mainly referring to catbae and lol’s reads on you and each other

I have not expressed any townread of lol whatsoever

i am not saying you townread him
i am saying you gave a bad reason to find something he did villagery

ig it’s less relevant if you dont have experience with him but this reasoning is quite bad to read him

I think that catbae is unaligned with my a lot of ppl i think are more actively wolfy but i also don’t have any reason to take them out of poe so yeah

gorta im entirely no thougts head empty on, lol ive expressed my thoughts on in the above post (wolf read)

mist read is super nebulous villa, def not w/w with cape, and i guess vibes? she feels like, really relaxed and floaty in a non-agenda way, while ive seen her go around pushing agenda a ton in like the 6 times in a row we randed me!v/her!w
so yeah i probably wouldn’t immediately clear there (unless we get a cape w flip) but im feeling ~decent abt her so far

so uh
basically no objections to any of the names in that poe being not cleared
i just think that brad really hasn’t been villagery (and also has w/w equity with lol, the person in that list who i actually wolfread)

i think gorta focusing in on seth having some sort of post death role felt wolfy

If you noticed my recent posting there’s someone I focused on…

When I went through the few isos I did last night, I looked at Squirrel and noticed his catch-up posts in the spoiler his first post and the rest of the iso were 90% negative in terms of analysis.
And I’m not talking like insults, I’m saying negative as in he’s stating reasons to scumread the specific posts, or if anyone talks about someone being town he’s being wishy-washy about it being towny, but then will state a reason why they can be scummy.

I asked him for his townreads, the jury is still out on him because it’s about 4 consensus reads, and 2 reads that are abnormal.

So Squirrel is leaning towards scum for me, so if Sett wasn’t on the table/being gladiated I would’ve placed a vote on Squirrel.