a more complete read on Wazza later, but I don’t think Wazza is scum

@Prophylaxis town and scum games please?

after I had more info I did a 180 on my squirrel read, so I want to give you the same benefit of the doubt

I will likely vote night today

it’s just my head kind of hurts right now, likely from the changing weather

I’ll look at Cat closer tomorrow when my head feels better

I think I’m going to go to bed

wolfy pop-in

i thought squirrel was likely town and one of the few players in this game actively trying to work the game out

not really sure why you were wolfreading them

you could have figured this out by skimming my ISO

considering that you pushed mistyx a tiny bit on day 1 (when the gladiate happened) and then have mostly relegated her to the sidelines all game, yes, i do think you both can be partners together

i did not expect mistyx to come in still townreading me though. i thought she’d see me as a mislunch ripe for the picking, especially after how i was wagonned earlier on today

i don’t think cape’s been afk. a little inactive? yes. but not afk

mistyx/night obviously have personal issues that seem unrelated to alignment to me, and i’m not choosing to pry into those further

this is just blatant shading here

i will get to questions eventually, just chose to spend sunday doing other things rather than being in the endless cycle of work like i’ve been in the last couple of days

i thought brad softed PR yesterday here

that’s part of why i have stuck to my townread on him for most of this game

Official D3 VC

Voted Voter Votes
Prophylaxis catbae, Cape90 2/5
Nightingale Arctic, BradLand 2/5
Cape90 Prophylaxis 1/5
Arctic Kiiruma 1/5
Not Voting Gorta, Nightingale, Mistyx 3

Ping host for mistakes

Additionally, I require a replacement.


am a PR, but not an investigative one

still think my role has some utility so i’d prefer to keep it under wraps, but i’ll claim if needed tomorrow

1 Like

most of my last games were on the old site so idk if they would help

this was my last wolfgame but it was with a hydra with wisp

my last towngame was Ciconia Mafia, where I replaced in and out with aelin

take your pick out of the last ~10 games i guess here

@Atlas has replaced in for @nightingale. Do not discuss replacements.

It is I
Better nightingale

i want to lunch either cape or night

contrary to arctic, i think cape has been mostly skating by and not really been focused on solving. i think his focus on squirrel d2 does not look great in light of his flip, and i think he’s a prime candidate of someone who was townreading lol but did not really try to turn the tides of how d2 was going

welcome atlas

this game has 2.8k posts so it shouldn’t be too much of a read through


Town: Brad, Kiiruma, Arctic (Questionable), Wazza
Outer poe: Proph, Catbae
Inner PoE: Gorta, Mist, Cape

have you read the game yet?

if so, can we get some reasoning for those reads