Not the exact same, but pretty much


believe me i’m waiting for the wolf game i can just mercilessly strongarm villager elims and get everyone to sheep me but this isn’t it

Yeah this one is just a regular wolf game not working so wel ya?

… so are you going to give reasons why this isn’t dicey v2 or

i mean no

if i was a wolf this game then i am basically doing it? or at least i did yesterday

well the difference is people aren’t listening to me trying to get you killed

so you’re admitting you have no ground to stand on
or do you have a point

If it makes you feel better

It’s not like you have to convince me

your still pushing and trying to get villager’s killed

Idk for me Atlas’ entrance was pretty good especially compared to Night’s previously

my point is that wolves always sheeped me because i was pushing villagers

in dicey when i tried to cfd kiiruma no one listened

Around 4 people have voted my slot this day

Gorta recently tried (and failed since he used the previous name) so
People are still somewhat trying

Add one more to that list
I would’ve but I can’t vote

Oh yeah
And wazza

brad did but only momentarily and also using it to shade me in the event you flipped v

gorta wants to give you some more time

no one else has

Arctic, Bradland, Gorta, wazza’s mythological vote
Im technically right

it’s two people
and neither are likely to be wolves anyway

and even if they were they only stayed briefly

idk what you’re trying to do here atlas but it isn’t convincing me that you aren’t a wolf

… what