you just said brad was trying to shade you
and gorta has done the same thing he does every game but worse

if brad is a wolf he voted misty first when i said to vote you or misty

and then when he did vote you he only stayed there momentarily

plus heā€™s been townreading your slot for dogshit reasons

Iā€™m sick of the bellyaching about things not happening

if you have a read you want to get across to other people than make a case

if youā€™re unsure then comen up with something

aimlessly complaining isnā€™t going to change things

okay but if I make a case on a player
tf is going to happen

I voted Misty because I was about to investigate her, got blocked, so I just defaulted to just voting her.

Rough policy but I didnā€™t have reasons to townread her, and her Day 2 wasnā€™t that great.

if you have a read you want pushed then push it

if you donā€™t then please explain what youā€™re thinking

if you donā€™t have a clue then start from somewhere and get a read

please communicate something instead of complaining about the lack of progress

Catbae could just watch us all suffer and complain while doing nothing
Him doing this is somewhat towny

Although fake-able
He actually did it

Alrighty, Iā€™m around now
My vote on Arctic has unsurprisingly done nothing.
Except maybe make me feel better on pushing Cape.
/Vote Cape90 @Host_Account_2

Today almost nothing has been done so I donā€™t have much to comment on with my tactic this game of just trying to see what not being active and then suddenly catching up would do. Instead I think I shouldā€™ve just stayed confident, or tried to and stayed active due to it instead of giving up. I know that Iā€™ve not done Seth proud at this time

see thatā€™s the problem
half the game is complacent and waiting for us to do stuff

yeah being alone in thread sucks and thereā€™s less you can do
But try something

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ā€¦ like please someone speak to me this sucks

what are you trying to do atlas

Youā€™re not wrong.
Honestly the fact I decided to try this, this gameā€¦ is scummy as all fuck and so I canā€™t blame anyone who might W read me.

Everyone seems complacent, the thread having so few posts does show thatā€¦ as well as the fact that vote movement is so incredibly slow.

get thread out of stupid state so we arenā€™t being stupid at eod yet again

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Hopefully people will be around at EoD.
I decided to move off the vanity wagon Iā€™ve been on and consolidate for now.
I still donā€™t dislike my original vote or original team guess, but, itā€™s either I vote Cape atm or I risk Prophy going down, who I think is town

5 minutes before eod

Honestly the entire game feels like itā€™s just been EoD constantly.
Nobodyā€™s doing anything really.
Thereā€™s trickles of content and then silence.

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/vote kiiruma @Host_Account_2

so uh