he joins atlas on the gorta push, but when that push dies out and so does the prophy push - so the only 2 wagons are him and atlas - he starts shading atlas again

the fuck are you on about iā€™ve been here this entire time

dude I havenā€™t read thread I literally just arrived here after eating food, you didnā€™t seem like you were here the entire time

i literally posted 3 posts above where you entered the thread


Apologies. To account for the time change, EoD will be extended by 1 hour.


I thought these posts were you entering the thread

i was in the thread the entire time but i thought eod was in an hour still

/Unvote: Atlas @Host_Account_2

Well, cool

now explain yourself

Iā€™m unsure who I want killed
Atlas did better than Night but I didnā€™t trust Night one bit, on the otherhand I still want Mistyx dead like 100%

I glued myself to the comp and now I have to stay another hour

1 Like

@Host_Account_2 can we get an updated vote count

1 Like

Well i uh
Have no energy so brb
Ill probably come back in less than 20 minutes

what do we think about cape just
shading atlas after the gorta wagon died out and he was left as the only alternative

Official D3 VC

Voted Voter Votes
Atlas Arctic, catbae, Gorta, Cape90 4/5
Cape90 Prophylaxis, Mistyx 2/5
Arctic Kiiruma 1/5
Mistyx Bradland 1/5
Gorta Atlas 1/5
Not Voting - 0

Ping host for mistakes

Edit: this VC is totally wrong, please disregard it and look at the one below this

im voting cape

lol if that was actually eod we would have had a tie

i moved my vote from cape to atlas @Host_Account_2

lol, if i didnt move that would have been hammer

ā€¦ thats stupid
you said you wanted to wagon him but not a tie between your two top scumreads