Official D3 VC

Voted Voter Votes
Atlas catbae, Gorta, Prophylaxis 3/5
Cape90 Mistyx, Arctic 2/5
Mistyx Bradland 1/5
Gorta Atlas 1/5
Not Voting Cape90, Kiiruma 2

Ping host for mistakes

(I apologize immensely for this, complete oversight on my part)

Day will end in 50 minutes, at 2022-03-14T23:00:00Z

i did not want a tie

i didn’t think cape was possible near eod so i switched to you

Why not

kiiruma also unvoted

Ties get randed

dumb tinfoil
Prophy/Cape could just be W/W

Both of their pushes were insanely stupid
And both of them just rescinded them the moment someone else was top wagon

/unvote @Host_Account_2

back in a bit

@Prophylaxis what is you username on MC?

Official D3 VC

Voted Voter Votes
Atlas Gorta, Prophylaxis 2/5
Cape90 Mistyx, Arctic 2/5
Mistyx Bradland 1/5
Gorta Atlas 1/5
Not Voting Cape90, Kiiruma, catbae 3

Ping host for mistakes

Day will end in approximately 47 minutes, at 2022-03-14T23:00:00Z

“why not” i don’t want a tie?

i think ties are mostly stupid and i’ve burned from them ever since my second game on fol where they tied the wagons for the lulz


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You were wagoning someone all game
You get a 50% chance to kill them or your second scumread
You vote the second

im ngl I thought tie was gonna just result in an equivalent to sleep

To be fair on Prophy I did this same exact thing in Dicey Dungeons I think it was and I caused Eevee to cause a tie which saved a scum member

Proph didn’t though

That means nothing
Logically from town pov he should’ve went for a tie

these two posts were made when (arctic, catbae, gorta) were voting you

so i put you to l-1 when staying on cape would result in

atlas (3) (arctic, catbae, gorta)
cape (2) (mistyx, proph)

I was town in the game and I fucked it up, you’re just buying into nothing here, Atlas

You voted someone you scumread
That makes sense from a town pov

Anyway we can get this right?

I dunno what I did to get a townread that EoD, especially from a slot who didn’t seem to let up on me