isolde squirrel kiiruma

brad arctic prophylaxis

lol catbae cape

ybw gorta wazza


could play around with cape/gorta/wazza positioning. but this seems like an ok start

should prob move isolde down a tier but

lemme actually iso catbae

no my eyes are glazing over im not doing this

how have i posted this much already this sucks anyway gn

outed town

I should do that as well

im such a good guy


I confused mistyx with someone else but mistyx also said the read was valid

plus cape didn’t respond to my post the first time so I reposted

Cape is justifying his votes on kii/isolde based off of whether he thinks scum would have a gladiator - if cape was wolf partners with one of the two, then it wouldn’t make sense for him to get confused about which person had the gladiate.

If kii/isolde are t/t, though, cape could still be a wolf who’s indifferent about which of the two has the gladiate (especially since it’s presumably been used up).


this wasn’t the thought I had originally

but I’d think wolves would pay more attention to who has which role, since that affects their nightkills

what’s the logic here?

we haven’t interacted that much apart from me getting mist confused with min

i’ll deal with this game in the morning

rn i’m probably at like


kiiruma/isolde (slight tinfoil on kiiruma acting purposefully overblown, but the more i think about it his reaction to iso makes some sense considering how railgun and maybe popcorn ended?)

arctic (probably going to punt this until a little later in the game, but there was some stuff i noticed that i think wolf arctic approaches a little differently or does not bother to do i think)

null squad (gorta, ybw, squirrel, mistyx, lol, cape)


mistyx are you able to talk a little about why you think squirrel is town? i’ll read your ybw ISO in the morning

the way I found works best is:

  1. play a pick your power setup
  2. don’t pick acop
  3. let gorta get acop
  4. gorta self resolves

@gorta – do you actively think there’s a wolf between isolde/kiiruma? if so, then can you explain why

my read on wazza is weird

arctic says that she’s likely to take thread control as a wolf, but her play so far has indicated the exact opposite - she hasn’t done jack

i just find it incredibly odd that she moved me to null from town in her ~updated readlist~ and i want to see an explanation of that from her

and yeah was expecting catbae to do stuff today, he hasn’t, i am saddened. i guess he was also doing the “wait and see” thing i was doing wrt lol and wazza – when they both haven’t really done a whole lot atm

kinda want to see if he has any updated read on me, considering that i think i’ve posted some more since the start of the game

expanding further - the reason I see this as potentially tmi is that cape is inherently assuming isolde is town by his wording

which, based on the posts I had read before, I didn’t really see cape townreading isolde enough to be making that assumption

I want to investigate it further

cape has posted quite a bit and i am apparently in his poe, but i literally don’t remember any of the other stances he took other than “mistyx wolf”

i’ll probably do a read up on him in the morning, time permitting

it’s a little weird he hasn’t asked me questions or talked about me despite me being in his poe though? idk

well, if you do get to investigating, will you be able to show me the results of your work? or is it all just going to mostly be in your head as you read/skim through posts

what’s your read on me?

wait arc already asked that nvm ignore me