i’ll catch y’all in the morning

i know i could be doing more, but #loweffort

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here recently I mostly have my thoughts in my head, but I can try to explain if there is demand

i would appreciate an explanation if you can

doing crazy wall posts slow me down and people usually ignore them anyway, so I try to explain it as best I can and provide a few examples if possible

right now I’m going back and forth in my head over the whole thing

I’ve said that Kii is scummy and that I just can’t explain why Kii gladiates d1 as scum, so either Kii and Iso are both town or both scum

you don’t need to write a wall

just some quotes with one or two lines of explanation is fine

if you’re worried that people will ignore them, i will be the first to admit that i am a sucker who tries to read every post

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with Seth being some kind of Jester like role because Seth seems to be fine with dying right now, so that’s where I’m at

I’m going to look at lol and cat next

how are you coming to this conclusion specifically

do you think it’s likely we live in a world where wolf!kiiruma just gladiates his own wolfbuddy 4 hours into the game day and a couple of isolde posts in?


Kii looks great from a Seth wolf flip and if Seth is some role that has a negative passive upon execution then it’s a two for one

that’s only in a Kii/Seth w/w world though, at least in my opinion

both Kii’s play and Seth’s play doesn’t make any sense to me

you think that it’s possible that we live in a world where kiiruma is a wolf gladiator and is gladiating his scumbuddy isolde, who has a Jester-type role as a wolf? (i assume this would mean that seth would be a wolf super saint or something, which is kinda bastardly)

i can agree with this at least

idk i’m kind of confused at what conclusions gorta is drawing here and if it helps him specifically find the wolves

how helpful is it to conclude that (kiiruma/seth are exactly town v town or wolf v wolf)? thats like, two diametrically opposite conclusions, and it would be helpful to figure out if we’re living in world A (town v town world) or world B (wolf v wolf) world

Look, I’m not someone who does plays like that and many of yall should know that already.

I have literally only once gladiated a partner on D1. And… honestly that wasn’t even a gladiate, it put them up for trial and let them defend themselves. I have never wolf gladiated anyone.

And it was a partner who was neither town read or scum read, it was like 12-ish hours into the day, not 4… and I had an upside to doing so further than what I’ve done here.

that’s where the investigating comes in, I need to review a bit of the last game I wolfed with Seth

I’m really looking forward to Seth being investigated, being wolf as I correctly read… and then it being concluded we’re W/W for god knows what reason.