this was largely on brad’s end, not yours
i dont really have any of an individual read on your slot tbh

also youd be right that i composed my opening thoughts pre sub in
but my lol and squirrel reads were made post-sub in so perhaps those would be more useful to you?

my only issue with him really was the things he was picking out for the cape iso which seemed unnecessarily nitpicky
it could probably be explained by villager squirrel already having a judgement on cape before he started the iso and thus being affected by bias but i’m unsure if this is the case

aside from that i’ve liked how his engagement and focus has been mostly outside of the dome because i think wolves are probably taking it easy in this gamestate and are more likely to be handling their agenda inside of the dome- whether that be trying to appear favourable by spamming to vote sleep in v/v worlds or trying to kill seth to save w!kiiruma, i don’t know, but the fact squirrel isn’t talking much about it regardless feels good

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yeah i’ll take a looksie

@Mistyx - while we’re on the topic of squirrel, did you ever talk about why you have a strong v read on him

i like to think i’ve been a little more focused on wazza/catbae while you’ve been more focused on lol/mistyx but i won’t deny this

i could probably get better reads this game but (low-effort) (retired) so

is “his posts were good” an acceptable answer

i guess for now yeah

i haven’t really done a detailed examination of what he’s been doing

when you have time can you go deeper into this

specifically where you got the townpings from and how she’s been stepping it up

i already had an issue with one of her posts about how she was wolfreading mistyx

since the day is ending soon, i am going to be honest, i do not know why i have been townread so much so easily. i have been consciously trying to be productive rather than villagery this game for reasonsTM and i have still been townread by more or less everyone for ~bad reasons

i was a lot more correct in hydra popcorn than in my recent village games, and i received a lot more scumreads from wolves despite it being one of my more villagery games. i’m kinda worried i’m going wrong somewhere and wolves have just decided to shrugtown me because of it and hide behind my pushes ala dicey dungeons, which is obviously not what i want to happen

i think if i’m alive tomorrow i want to play my cards closer to my chest and see what happens

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The only players eligible to be voted are Isolde and Kiiruma.

Official VC

Voted Voter Votes
Isolde BradLand, Kiiruma, Isolde 3/7
Kiiruma nightingale, Arctic 2/7
Sleep lol, Squirrel, cape, catbae 4/7
Not Voting Gorta, Prophylaxis, Wazza, Mistyx 4

Pinging hosts for new votes and mistakes is highly appreciated ^^

A reminder that day ends in 38 minutes, at 2022-03-08T23:00:00Z

i think the nitpick was mainly due to the post where mist said wazza was spewed v by w kiiruma despite mist townreading kiiruma
which i did also find pretty weird, although mist has clarified it now

okay I’m a little late but I’m here for EOD

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i guess it’s like kind of interesting that (mistyx, catbae, night) are townreading squirrel but (arctic, brad) are not

i think my main goal d2 if i’m still around is probably solidifying my reads on the bifurcated slots (cape, squirrel) and come to a solid conclusion on them

is there anything you guys want/need from me? I saw a few posts I was quoted on but I can’t be bothered responding

i do townread him but it’s probably not as strong as it was before due to some minor scumpings

/vote isolde @Host_Account_2

ties are fun

/vote sleep @Host_Account_2

The only players eligible to be voted are Isolde and Kiiruma.

Official VC

Voted Voter Votes
Isolde BradLand, Kiiruma, Isolde, Mistyx 4/7
Kiiruma nightingale, Arctic 2/7
Sleep lol, Squirrel, cape, catbae, Wazza 5/7
Not Voting Gorta, Prophylaxis 2

Pinging hosts for new votes and mistakes is highly appreciated ^^

A reminder that day ends in 34 minutes, at 2022-03-08T23:00:00Z