Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

Anyone Dies Ending Speedrun Any%

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{:pencil2:} glgl everyone!

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February 17th 1946…

The exploration team for Ushyll departed with a headcount of 35 after boarding transport vehicle and a travel time of ████ the group arrived in the area.

There were rolling mountains around the area, with a giant crevice in the middle of it. Within the crevice lied the pinnacle of humanity’s contact, the city of Ushyll. The grant keep lay at the pinnacle of the city, but with no way to logically reach it, as using a helicopter might cause the anchient cliff to collapse and the updrafts from the valley make parachuting in impossible, the group grapples down approximately 700 meters to reach the grand bridge that enter the city.

The Bridge is made out of blocks of asphalt and is rather sturdy, considering it has been over a thousand years since anyone has performed maintenance on it. At the end of the bridge lies a ginormous gate, the entrance to the city. Within the gate lies 8 entrances with wooden doors. These wooden doors are supposed to be old, and they look like gate doors you would find on the outside of a castle, with a metal bar in the middle of them and an steel trapdoor in the window of the doors. Attached to the doors are metal handles. The metal on the outside of the doors has rusted so you are able to see on the inside of the them. Within each of the seven doors lies 7 different dimensions, completely defying the idea of space. The doors are the typical dimensions you would see on a ancient eastern European castle gate, yet each of the doors are relatively small. The doors are attached to an arching grey-stone-brick wall that forms the perimeter on the outside of the city, connecting directly to the bridge.

You notice that one of the doors has Talismans attached to it, in the form of wind chimes, you feel prosperity from that door.

The following are the 8 Doors that lie in front of your group:


Battle :wind_chime:







It is up to you to decide which door you feel is the safest to enter.

Send a message to this correspondent to confirm what room you are going to enter, you are free to talk amongst yourselves or in PMs if you add this account.

You have until 2024-02-19T03:00:00Z to submit your action. Failure to do so will result in your action being randomized. You will be prodded 7 hours before EoD time if you haven’t chosen.

Signed, Keeper Brakuren.

boring data

Order of Application:
Effects of the Room
Existing Statuses
Majority calculated
Death from Majority
New Statuses
Talismans counted

If you want to know where your artefact application window is (because it varies) you need to PM this account.

Mass Notice of Employement


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can you


when the headcount is out of date!



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VOTE: dpar

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oh god this has private communication

thats too much effort im picking randomly

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did they tell you this in wolfchat

far as im aware im the only person on this forum whos primarily wolf aligned

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this started?

wolf pfp, checks out

This is by far the most annoying room


hi litten :flushed:

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zug had a wolf PFP for a while

i think my mafia play is the most wolf aligned

but ur usually a wolfgirl so i guess you probably still win



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