This ‘bit’ is actually supposed to be ironic. Because while binary text greatly represents the ‘Arete is a robot’ meme, it is also antithetical to my non-binary identity.
(also tutie said we could talk)
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
So true. Just add more days in each week
Start with adding a second Monday and work from there
these are some really good may impersonations
(updated the post i messed it up when copy pasting)
that part really completes the post
something something dumbest boy alive
Rude nya
you KNOW i am jon bois posting when am i NOT jon bois posting
lilith i’m sad you didn’t join this i had some good ideas for you
I know you are but your post can also be misinterpreted in a way that add humour vlaue
you can always just make an alt account and act like im moving accounts again