[Misc] Drabble Duel: Doppelgangsters Edition - Atlas wins!


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gwah :scream: (:flushed: )

ā€¦why did you think we were posting it

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i thought its an actual pokemon that was supposed to be obvious but i couldnt figure out which one but i didnt question it coz im used to not understanding what everyone else is understanding


pat pat



i should have submitted this for katze


envious dogboy


yea that put down part looks hella good rn


can you put a link to when the reveal started?

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nvm I found it

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can I reveal that one of the submissions wasnā€™t mine?

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sure go crazy

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this was not my submission, but definitely my favorite out of them all
very well written, though I wouldā€™ve made a couple tweaks

this bit seems a little out of character for iv - heā€™s more indecisive (that was his primary character trait when I wrote him for kotc), and lessā€¦ overtly evil. this felt more like something iii would say, though I think the argument between ii and iii also makes sense (they tend to clash, as ii cares way less about the kingdoms and far more about food than iii)

also, ā€œitā€™sā€ should actually be ā€œitsā€

there were a lot of details in there that were really well done, though

this perfectly matches my sense of humor (yes, I know itā€™s a parody of my ending post in KOTC 2, but still)

(I would totally do it)

I also really like the attention to detail regarding the servants

also, super minor thing but I love that this is written in present tense

since almost all of my RP is written in past tense (opened vs opens), but KOTC was one of the few instances where I wrote primarily in present tense (the other was Keldiā€™s minority rule iirc)

also very much my sense of humor
I mightā€™ve gone with a 98/1/1, but close enough

also, just in general, but this is exactly how I lay out paragraphs - usually itā€™s either [action sentence] [dialogue] [action] or itā€™s [dialogue] [action] [dialogue]

I do this all the time
Iā€™ll write a sentence, dislike it and write a new one, then attempt to jam the two together and miss a word or two

this is not bad grammar, this is Peak Squirrel Roleplay

(the other parts were bad grammar, though, I would never do that)


glances at how long my post is

i have, in fact, gone crazy

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this is not my submission but definitely my favourite out of all of them

when i talk in character i always use capitalization and punctuation. in my rp games i never talk out of narration about actions, unless iā€™m making a statement about what it does
also i wouldnā€™t directly ask, i would likely quote that persons logic stat fron their op, and say it as if logicā€™s saying it.

iā€™d also use more three dot lines if iā€™m phrasing something like this

this is exactly how iā€™d phrase it, minus the missing question mark


i was going to save this explaination for later but somebody forced my comedically timed hand

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Doesnā€™t exist but fine

Works generally but the question mark is throwing me off, I think itā€™s a little more uptalky than Iā€™d usually go. Iā€™d end this sentence with a ā€¦ or something

I would obviously capitalise any sentence following punctuationā€¦ a question mark is Punctual, you have to capitalise after that. And I wouldnā€™t challenge somebody like that in real life. I just say whatever makes the conversation go the fastest. I would say yeah and move on

I try to avoid using the same structural word on consecutive sentences. I would use ā€œwas likeā€ if I had just used said.

I donā€™t usually say ā€œmy autism made me sayā€, and also again in real-life social situations with strangers I say whatever makes it go fastestā€¦ I donā€™t challenge people except subtly.

I donā€™t know what ā€œvarious needsā€ meansā€¦ the referring-to-self-as-we is a good touch

I donā€™t capitalise mahjong

Not a thing I say. Bitch

Does it really make you thinkā€¦

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Youā€™ve got a good macro down re: tone and the kind of story I would tell, but you donā€™t have a good grasp on the kind of person I tend to be in real-life social interactions (which is fair as you have very little data), and itā€™s a little moreā€¦ uptalky and generally. I know what the colour for the kind of tone youā€™ve put in the message is but I donā€™t know what the word for it is. There arenā€™t a lot of stops. I use a lot of random fullstops and ellipses and such.

all of mine are pretty bad besides the juror oke and Iā€™ve been treating that seriously, I would hate chewing on paper the taste

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Actually results is pretty bad, u and s are too far apart and clearly show this person does not type on phone; automatic f

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