[Misc] Drabble Duel: Doppelgangsters Edition - Atlas wins!

If you are going to go through the effort of doing typo’d at least show dedication and attempt the typos on phone first before embarrassing urself in a class project and getting a f

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that being said the first one is still the best computer user grr

actually this is the best one you guys were slacking


sometimes short and concise is the best

ooo people judging their entries? time to give submitters comments

good entry, I’d definitely post that

great entry, definitely the top one, something id 100% post and cute image too

hiiiiiiiii tutuu! funny entry i like it :)

another good entry, i’ve considered it funnily enough, but i think the tastes would cancel out since both are good, I’d eat tomatoes raw no problem

made me laugh i like it, fitting since this is probably my biggest effort wall post and it’s for a silly misc game

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this is both something i’d say and extremely meta. probably the best of the submissions but that particular bar is low.

bonus points for it describing a botc scenario that’s actually possible instead of just using buzzwords but the last part is excessive. making the lunatic the farmer is actually a townsided move and is fair game if good is losing lmfao i wouldn’t complain about that

i hate misses way more than crits. i think every showdown post i’ve made has indicated this. and as previously mentioned i only play random metas so “stupid meta picks” isn’t even something i can complain about. i also would never rank game mechanics this definitively i don’t think.

credit for being the only one to say “x is y father” but it seems kinda silly for me to immediately answer my own question. like why ask it in the first place then? why bring up the funny hypothetical scenario only to immediately point out the serious answer as to why it wouldn’t work? that’s not me

truncated because you get the point. i didn’t play botc until like… 4 to 5 months ago? we get it. this post is not helped by being the last in the sequence of an already overdone joke but i definitely don’t say “are they stupid?” this often, do i? surely i have other things to point out



I am sending this to everyone i know



I do more than :wowee: and :heart: but here we are

~fully accurate

this would more likely read “like idk if it would use”, rather than “like would it use”

joycat would very likely be the actual emoji, or poooooossibly :joycat:

very good imitation tho tbhtbthbthtbhtbthbth


your all nerds. i would never do something like this

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ok i almost did something like this but the katze impressions are all okay except the first and last one

and i know what the last one is getting at its just doing it poorly my sass is way different marissa!!!

That one was noticeably off yea

Yeah like Virtuous . And not posting. And nothing else

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Is it too late to sign up?

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And most of the posts are about Luna and not me, so instead of me, she will like the posts she liked. (And anytime people interchange-able will use our names from now on…)

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Time to jump on the review train.

If you’re gonna mock my grammar, at least do it in an interesting way.

I feel like I’m quite informal with what I speak? Like, I’m not one for crude humor, but I’m also not Christ-Church-at-Oxford posh.

There’s a nonzero chance I would say something to this extent, and the structure is stylistically correct.

Arete will never let me live the overbooking incident down, will they?

This is the funniest of the submissions. Probably my personal pick.

This is the best submission at emulating my typing style. Don’t really know what it’s trying to say, though.


no way im doing a review