[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I mean yes we can lose 2 faith

baron is at 6 and you guys are at 7
Idk how events work but it’s probably unlikely you guys lose ur win con


/embezzle money into this game so I can have more cash


Events can reduce or increase stats by more than 1 you know

I forgot

anarchy FM

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Didn’t you guys literally lose 2 faith from that cult

My thing is
I kinda wanna help the barons
Cuz Eliza can’t really stop us from gaining faith during season events
But she can actively stop us from losing authority

But I just woke up and I need to figure out what the current totals are before I vote
I’m definitely voting for Theatre or Cathedral or Library which tells you basically nothing other than “I’m not throwing away my money for no reason”

I say as if this is anything new


this is true

we can do both guava
2 highest buildings are picked

i’m fine with throwing the barons a bone i just wanted to mess with them :joy_cat:

In fact throwing them a bone means we can prove the Count slander wrong

Of course its easy to see that the Counts made the Grandees vote with them earlier but they’re good propagandists

i think it’s mostly just litten slander

We keep a transcript of everything said in council meetings, do you want me to fo find the transcript of the last meeting where you talked about blackmail?

We can do two which is why I listed three buildings just now and not two lol

your scribes must be crying themselves to sleep with their hands dipped in ice every night

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