[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

guavaaa :pleading_face:

scroll down a little more

well duh but I’m implying that he’s a murderer
he’s not just dueling random citizens

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catbae isn’t a citizen they’re a RIVAL NOBLE :bangbang:

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Do you happen to have your screenshot of Frost doing a host mistake and he went like when sleepy host does mistakes :sad_face:

Yall should stop being nerds in the thread and instead be nerds in the new KotC discord

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we’re really just saying anything now huh



you literally said. lemme quote the post again

imo this implies that Silviu is killing the commonfolk

i’ll check later

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this implies that I am killing the common folk
actually it states it



invite spysapper3000 to yet another server

straight to jail
straight to prison
lock this man up hello?

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ssshh no one cares about the common class
that’s literally the oppression this entire system is built on

Factionalism says no :heart:

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nobody will bat an eye at a few dead peasants silly

if we can get to 7 that’d be great since then we don’t have to balance solo noble votes



super cringe

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guava is the “cares about peasants” type
note to self: if i get a “cares about peasants” wife then its guava’s child :blush:


oh btw if we get 7 people to play kotc I unmute

we’re at 6 rn