[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

live kotc that is

In alternate words… people, join!

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@ElizaThePsycho can you join discord and I’ll run kotc?

or at least think/look into doing it

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We have a discord set up if you’d wanna join it Daeron


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auction shenanigans
colour on a player’s name indicates their region
colour on a place indicates it helps that region’s current win condition
Barons are Red
Counts are Purple
Grandees are Yellow

YouButWorse donates 500 to the Cathedral
Litten donates 200 to the Theatre
Silviu200530 donates 1 to the Cathedral
Zone_Q11 donates 800 to the Theatre
tutuu donates 1 to the Grand Bazaar
Litten donates 600 to the Library
tutuu donates 999 to the Library
Squirrel2412 donates 742 to the Theatre
guavagudetama donates 599 to the Theatre

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Eliza promised anyone who partipcates gets 1 extra gold

tutuu is my favourite player in the game atm


our head of family is based true

(Update my wealth please)

(if more is desperately needed i have the game)

nah we don’t

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you don’t need the game to join anyways

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But if you want. Join right in

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But only as Grandees. Otherwise don’t join :heart:

guava has never been to 1066


Wait until you see the empires of china

what if i dont have an internet connection

