[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

you’re the traitor. where are your house values, “Grandee” Italy?

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Suddenly it doesn’t matter once it’s one of your own, huh?

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silviu is literally the fucking claimant to the throne

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We’ll find a new one.

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that’s not how claimants work

I hear silviu II is of age

He does not deserve to be the Claimant after this act against the Ninth God

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It is now.

I’m just saying this is my personal opinion
But I don’t want a murderer as my monarch


would you like me to replace silviu as the claimant then

VOTE: Choice B

why don’t you go with guava

a bleeding heart cannot be ruler

Do not vote A counts will get MORE stab

Not stab


i’m completely okay with that

if they die it is


the counts don’t have a standing military anymore

note: please do not murder your claimants because you don’t like them that’s my job