[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

i think i’d make a great claimant

a bleeding heart isn’t fit for the throne

Is it random who becomes claimant lol


i’m not a bleeding heart litten
i make other people bleed

I should become claimant purely because I’m the only one fit to rule

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it’s super different

although ill let you guys vote if you want?

just. takes time

everyone voting themselves

The implication was that you would be murdered by other grandees before that could ever happen

yeah exactly

Now this is what I like to see :^)


you could hold a private vote in the server

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This wagon formation always kills a wolf

eh fair

none of them are brave enough to kill me

The wolf in question being silviu


Interesting how you Grandees are so willing to throw your own under the bus

He committed a cardinal sin

I’m sorry that I do not want a murderer who won’t admit it on the throne?

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