[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I can’t believe the countess and the grandee and another grandee workd together to kill Catbae

You’re not suspicious of murder you’re suspicious of being a bad person

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what do you mean suspicious

i am a bad person this is public information

You don’t know that. I believe he did, but I care more about the future than the past, if you catch my drift.

And, yes, your thirst for blood is actually very on par with the Counts, which is saying something.

VOTE: Choice C

if our faith drops by 1 more it goes to 0 and the game ends for everyone?

oh our faith is already 0

so game over, or are we not including that gameplay element?

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that’s only for kingdom stats, that’s a region stat
so like authority, stability, ect

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oooh kingdom stats i see


well seems like the game is just dice rolls with fun flavor, might as well go for the ride instead of trying to strategize and metagame too seriously, at least as far as i can tell so far

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I find the fun is strategizing even in the face of the heavy RNG



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@Litten, in case the other nobles somehow band together to take over Choice C, I will go along with Choice A in hopes of raising your region’s Defiance while lowering the Kingdom’s Stability. That ought to give you a good backup in case some crazy stuff happens in the future.

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In exchange I’ll donate whatever money I have to a building of your choice at the next auction

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Tax season is coming up soon where we get new money

so about 400/700 gold for you depending upon how much I make


And the ridiculous timeline of the kingdom coming together

Uh. If I am understanding the Nitty Gritty section of the OP correctly, then we should either:

  • lose 400 wealth (Cruel Tax);
  • lose 100 wealth (Common Tax); or
  • gain 700 wealth (Bribe)

Honestly? Not sure how we are meant to react and/or potentially resist these taxes.
–unless you meant to say that the nobles can also tax their citizens, in which case IDEK how that works.

Oh. Well, nobles receive 200 gold after a certain amount of time. But a region receives 500. Randomized

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