[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

a cathedral isn’t stocked to the point that it would outlast a siege

we should work on that later

but for now we would only need to starve him out

VOTE: Choice C

We can’t remove the law but this man needs to go. He’s a bad egg.


The cathedral isn’t, and never will be, under siege as long as you guys control it. You guys will mop around hoping we forget about it.

What if he commits crimes in there?

If he commits crimes in the cathedral then I’m sure our archbishop will deal with it personally.

if he commits crimes in holy ground then he has forsaken the ninth god and its protection

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But, it’s also stated that he’s dangerous. If we try to out last him, he will get desperate eventually and will hurt others. We must provide a quick assault and storm it to capture him.

Then he has defied sanctuary and is easily captured

After harming others.


Who is he harming exactly


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well i was almost right

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atlas you are now a dangerous outlaw


real quick

i love how atlas is every minor NPC


this implies i once was not and am now made into

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@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

you guys got this

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