[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

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atlas is also the knight who will subdue the outlaw


Eliza only counts low rolls

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L take


I agree


VOTE: Choice A

We operate under a civil society with rules and laws based off the blood of our predecessors. To ignore the laws because someone is mocking the idea of tradition is hideous. I can only speak for myself, but I find the idea of allowing a dangerous convict to roam around free, potentially harming others, despicable and I ask my other council members to vote for C.

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Bruh. This guy committed crime and the priests are rewarding him for it.
Meanwhile, the very same person who mentioned this very outrage:

Since when has “using the church to avoid the law” not been sacrilege!?
Are you saying that if I were to commit ANY AND ALL crime that does not influence the church, I can just storm into the cathedral and claim “hey guys, I can’t be imprisoned by the state LMAO”?


Same people who didn’t want a trial btw

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you can storm into the cathedral and die of thirst in there

Allowing someone to die on holy grounds does not eeem like something you guys will allow


Ugh. Of course it’s the Grandees.
They are a literal hivemind who are somehow more sketchy than the Counts with their secrecy.

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we cannot stop death by natural causes of course

Yeah, no. I’ll just break the law.

there is no death more naturally deserved than a slow descent into delirium as penance for abusing the kindness of the ninth

You guys are treating him like a king

litten has never heard of an exaggeration

Ah, yes. “Natural death”, in other words: LIVING LIKE A KING UNTIL YOU DIE OF OLD AGE.

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