[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

if it was really a king’s lifestyle every last peasant on the street would be begging for sanctuary


I bet you turn most of them away

Haven’t they already been doing that ever since the foundation of the Kingdom?

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if we could do that we wouldn’t in this situation would we

he probably snuck in

If we were able to turn people away from sanctuary there would be an obvious solution to this problem

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How big is this place anyway

a cathedral is quite large


you guys had one but then you wanted another one?

you can never have too many cathedrals

besides we’d use it better than you used your library

Regardless, The Council cannot afford to let the precedent be set that dangerous criminals can flee to sanctuaries to escape punishment. I would be fine with allowing you to wait them out, however there are people lives at the stake, and he’s dangerous.

So you admit you don’t turn away anyone who proclaims sanctuary.

In other words, this is a blatant admittance of the church allowing criminals to get away from the state!


Stability can be damned as well, since all criminals can just do (or has already done) what Jonesy did and take refuge in the cathedral!

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Imagine someone snuck into one of our houses and poisoned us while we were sleeping. The Grandee claims it’s perfectly fine to flee to their territory to escape punishment.

it is the ninth who grants the queen her right to rule over a kingdom
to defy the ninth’s will is to challenge far more than the kingdom

Let’s not forget the church just casually let a cultist roam free, as their “inquisition” was nothing more than a few men in robes.

Is it only sanctuary in the church walls, or outside as well?

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For the record, it IS a king’s lifestyle.
Do you want to know how I know this for certain?

It is because you said it yourself:

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Listen. Before we let Atlas go, we had them visit the grandee for advice. We still failed.

that was the counts you illiterate baron