[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

google en “siege”

So unrelated viewers of the party, who would you elect as your local mayor?

i had opted for a military solution
i had also decided it was not my place to overrule the counts on how they managed their own territory

Google: “How strong is the church compared to the kingdom?”
Mind you: This is the very same church whose law caused the entire ordeal to begin with.

google “Divine Right to Rule”

Isn’t that all the more reason why a siege would fail in the first place?
Because the authority of the church wouldn’t let them to be sieged?


without the church the queen would be crownless upon an empty throne
that’s the dynamic between kingdom and church

evacuate the cathedral and starve him out

i fail to see the fault in this plan

maybe if the popcorn button worked

at this point i’m 99% sure all it does it turn on the microwave and not turn it off

If the priests had enough power to shelter the criminal, thereby refusing to listen to the kingdom…
What makes you think they will listen to the kingdom’s order / request of evacuation?

–plus the criminal would’ve still been able to escape by means of “via sewers” or “disguise during the evacuation”.
–or rather, which priest would’ve even agreed to evacuate at least hundreds of them for days outside the cathedral?

i think you wildly fail to understand this situation

Did you guys know that Liam is short for William?


we’re in the era of flintlock weaponry and you think there’s sewer systems?
they clearly know who he is and therefore have a bead on where he is at all times
the clergy isn’t going to say no to an evacuation what the hell are you talking about they obviously defied you because you asked that they defy the ninth god’s will

VOTE: Choice C

Pot, meet kettle.

VOTE: Choice B

Cultists? Not in my kingdom!

Yes, unless this Kingdom’s going to recreate Vienne.

Baseless argument; no proof.


VOTE: choice C we need more blood