[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Counts. Also, a count’s territory is called a county.

Well that explains why the counties of Romania are named this way.

Nods thoughtfully

That’s only because we didn’t catch the criminal though:

“The Kingdom quakes in the grip of Iron-jaw Jonsey’s reign of terror.”

The very same criminal that the priests had let go?
The priests that you were supporting?

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If we choose option A the exact same thing would have happened fwiw

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because you violated a holy law?

(Well… Not really.)
Authority would’ve still decreased, but the other stats had different outcomes.
What we have now: -1 Grandee Faith, -1 Authority, -1 Stability
What we could have had (Option A): +1 ??? Faith, +1 ??? Defiance, -1 Authority

oh I meant in the criminal escaping

VOTE: Choice C

We have no time to be dealing with this.

…? What exactly do you want to say? The priests had let the criminal go because the Kingdom has violated the holy law. THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THE PRIESTS FROM LETTING THE CRIMINAL GO.

Awwww, I appreciate how much this treaty of friendship of cooperation is going between us and the counts

you have challenged the ninth god’s authority
that cannot be excused

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Ah, yes. That would have indeed happened, considering the priests were lunatic enough to let a criminal go, there is no doubt in my mind that they would’ve let him go even if we didn’t trespass the cathedral.

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we had told you how to handle the situation
now you throw a tantrum like children and cry about how choice A was sour grapes anyways

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You say that, but you’re the ones who are in the minority, so… I frankly don’t care.

okay you petulant motherfucker

Your method of “handling the situation” was to literally not handle the situation; it was a terrible idea from the beginning and we don’t regret even a little bit that we didn’t go with your option.

We are throwing tantrum – not because we our actions had failed – but rather how it failed. (Well… technically it’s all flavor, but some of us -among others, me- are more attached to the flavor than other players.)

our method of handling the situation would have had successes unlike you who only damaged the kingdom

by the way if authority keeps dropping since it’s now at 3 the game is gonna do something really impressive and fucking end instantly :^)

Bruh. How is not dealing with the situation ever going to be successful?
You Grandees and Counts already chose this route back in P#516, when the Cultists first showed up, AND LOOK WHERE THAT GOT US?

Oops, it got political