[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Eliza is at 8 authority though


how does queen win?

End of Season 4

damn that was fast


after like 12 seasons i start rolling dice to see if i win

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Wait. Hold on, what?
Okay, this might be a challenge for the Grandees.
*checks stats; Authority is suddenly at [8] out of nowhere*
…okay, maybe it’s time for them to ragequit.


honestly they can still win they just
need to fuck things up
a lot



we thought the counts were being fucked
it appears the grandees were tumbling to their death without realizing it

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A New Contraption (The March)

@crazynuto: I have something to show you, Your Majesty.
He leads you to a room, with a giant cloth covering something.
crazynuto: We are entering a new age, a more humane age. But botched executions are still commonplace! Luckily, I have just the solution.
He lowers the cloth, revealing a tall wooden box, with a sharp blade at the top and a circular shaped hole in the center.
crazynuto: This is my new invention! It can execute many people an hour, far better than any executioner in the country, with near zero botchings! Naturally, I propose we name it after myself.
Eliza: You want to name this horrid thing after yourself?
crazynuto: This is a machine of mercy, Your Majesty! I want you to fund a nationwide rollout.
Eliza: Please do NOT name it after yourself.
crazynuto: Fine. I’ll call it the Decapitator.

Vote: Should we fund a nationwide rollout of the Decapitator?

A: Fund a nationwide rollout. -1000 Treasury, +Trade, +Weatlh, +Authority. VETO’D
B: Test it on Baron crazynuto themselves. +Defiance, -Stability, -750 Wealth, +Authorrity.
C: Ban this horrid contraption. +Stability.

remember to also check the events that just happened!

Excuse me WHAT

To fulfill Scheme 2, they need a +6 Defiance on our regions.
To rebel, they need to increase their Defiance and/or lower Authority and Stability such that “Defiance > Authority” and “Defiance > Stability”.

…like, it is not out of the realms of possibility, but then again I also didn’t expect an entire Season (i.e. S4) to flow away within mere minutes, unlike Season 1 to 3.

well we know which one we’re not picking

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VOTE: choice B

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wait hang on hang on

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Two types of people


wait I’m a Baron


guys i think we should give them the brass bull treatment
that’s how we can know how humane it is

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You just invented guillotines bro


VOTE: choice A

Veto has been placed on A.