[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

@guavagudetama can you quote your color coded votes from previously?

Yeah, lemme find it

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I’m really not worried about being the scapegoat for my region, I understood this would be my position from the very first real vote.

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Welp. Honorary Baron it is then.

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i voted to stop the cult and was clearly correct in my judgement
you may quote the exact number of times i called to lower defiance and if it’s above 0 i’ll bite my tounge until i spit blood



because you voted against us 3+ times in a row

oh I just reread this you want the shit I colour coded
I went to go colour code the previous event I was like “this isn’t proving shit lmao”

okay lemme go find what you’re actually asking for

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the colour coding doesn’t carry over in quotes, but this is every colour coded vc I’ve made

this is worthless
(love you but I would have to do a lot of work to figure out which event caused what stats so I’ll do that later)


oh if you hit the like
dropdown arrow it shows the colours

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this one

i’ll post a picture of my sink too for good measure

My apologies. Perhaps I was a little harsh. Words I hate to say but know are true.

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It’s fine, I’ve heard and will continue to hear much worse.

she’s just being a lil shitter and I will now simply see to it personally if I can’t win neither will she

I got a little ahead of myself. Grandees are potential allies in the future, I know this more than anybody. No reason to be rude. I forgot a core principle of the counts is our Cordiality for the purpose of relations.

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heya folks we’ll be doing king of the castle in the live kotc server

please do not randomly generate any events I had planned again

Your choice. The counts are always willing to build bridges in spite of past words. We would hope you would do the same.

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