[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

you should join :blush:

With how my fellow Grandees have acted… Let’s just say it seems they hold a grudge.

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I cannot blame them, though grudges get in the way of progress. hopefully they will come around when the time is right.

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This sucks. (in character)

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I suck (in character) (vamp nation)

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Choice B (5): Italy, Daeron, Amelia, YoubutWorse, guavagudetama
Choice C (5): beancat, Zone_Q11, IcetFeelsPain, Litten, Marshal

Not Voting (12): Hazardwaste, Moll, Squirrel2412, crazynuto, Jane, tutuu, JakeTheWolfie, catbae, sulit, Kiiruma, Silviu200530, ElizaThePsycho

There is a lot of negativity in thread right now and I just want to say it is all being directed poorly because you are ALL wonderful beautiful people. Instead of getting angry at each other we need to face our common enemy: Eliza

Now I want to begin this by saying I hate rumours and unconfirmed gossip but I think there is a very real and genuine possibility that Eliza is actually the anti-christ. Again, this isnt a smear campaign, I am just asking questions and I want that to be clear. These are some of the questions we should be asking.

Where was Eliza when the Corona Virus started? I certainly don’t know where they were and if they can confirm they weren’t in Wuhan planning the whole thing.

Where was Eliza when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated leading to WW1? I’ve never seen Eliza even mention there whereabouts at the time.

Has anyone ever seen Judas and Eliza together? I think not.

Where was Eliza when the dinosaurs got wiped out? I personally know Eliza has no respect for life, human or otherwise, and it is AWFULLY convenient no one can place them during the MURDER of the dinosaurs.

Eventually these sort of instances stop becoming “coincedences” which we can ignore and form part of a larger pattern of corruption, evil, and immorality.

I argue it is our responsibility, nay, duty, to force Eliza to face the consequences of their actions and everyone they have hurt.


Latest event; [Sorcerer’s Letter]; EOS3 event.

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The amount of work you placed in here is so imprsssive

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Not my first time keeping track of stuff. :saluting_face:


and Italy’s not the only grandee on that wagon, not by a longshot

Kiiruma, Daeron and


Are also on there!

not to call anyone out in particular of course

Oh my god.


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it was even in the exact same post

don’t care blood please

slides a glass of Koolaid to guava

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You mean @ReaderReader?
Yeah, she’s a FM player back at my homesite.
What about her?

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you can get a picture of my blood in the sink when you earn it

I don’t want to drink Italy’s blood :sob: :sob: