[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

we can. win first

well not we but a region

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we could also drag stability into the soil and vote on a winner

Hm… Rather: How does @ElizaThePsycho even win anyway?

with how my region is playing vs like you squirrel and litten I forget who’s on what team


litten’s just as evil as i am he just hides it

zone’s also pretty evil just not as cruel

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I’ve been one of the least evil people this game lmao

squirrel is just a squirrel i’m not sure if they have the capacity to be evil or cruel

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you’re super evil you just pretend not to be

Italy doesn’t know chat lmao

Are you?
I could hardly describe your actions as honourable.

I will not tolerate slander in the council room.


rolling dice succesfully

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at like season 12

if a person who is super evil does morally right things all the time

are they super evil :hmmyes:

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i’ve yet to commit a single dishonorable deed as far as i am aware
i do not cower from a challenge or attempt to trick my challengees(?)

Sounds like a misapplied label


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is that a lie

not if you don’t think about it

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