[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

maybe I’ll just have to make that happen :hocho:

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it’s just Koolaid we would never sneak into a grandees home and forcibly take some of their blood to put in a container to drink and share around at parties while we listen to jellyfish jam at 3am

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you’ll get jaundice if you drink my blood

In all due fairness, IDEK what’s going on in-thread anymore, but despite not knowing 2nd Scheme, Italy actually voted +Defiance as many times as he could.

  • Untimely Death: C → +Defiance, IRON CHOICE
  • Heresy Unleashed: A → 10% odds of success, influenced by Faith
  • Spymaster Invest: A → +Defiance, -Stability
  • Sanctuary: A → +Faith, +Defiance, -Authority, IRON CHOICE

the kingdom must cry blood

all of this means nothing btw Italy just cited it so I’m happy to see them proved wrong

nobody could have known the next step of the scheme was related to defiance


I’m still out of the loop;
I still dunno what you mean.

hey that’s the counts job

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i’m playing to the secret wincondition that i need to inflict as much suffering as possible upon the kingdom

Technically, the only time when Italy didn’t choose +Defiance when given the option to do so was at [Dangerous Cult] where he chose B (dispatch spy; no effect) over C (leave cult be; +Defiance, -Faith).

Oh. In that case you’re losing.

i’m a grandee at heart do you think i would actually leave a cult be

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i’ve already started one war

Eliza’s Authority is at [8], and IDEK what can stop her at this point.

sounds like a tyrant to me

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an iron fist over an unstable realm

“i’m playing to the secret wincondition that i need to inflict as much suffering as possible upon the kingdom”

What word would fit better in the underlined section?

A. Imaginary
B. Made-Up
C. Pretend
D. Evil


all of these are true answers