[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

cool none of these matter


this is quite possibly the worst auction like, ever


the buildings are so bad that i’m not even going to invest 2 pieces of gold to rig the rng in my favor


A messenger arrives.

“Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, fourth of his name, defender of the forests and acorns, wishes to make his will be known.”

go with prison, I guess?

I need somewhere to put all those pigeons thieves

/fund prison 6


Seven minutes.

…until what

Aha! There you are!

It’s all the time I have to spare with you.

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Ominous as always, Daeron

Poor performance indeed.

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also I was playing KoTC with my friends 2 days ago (the game I posted where I had 10 stabil) and we had the counts/grandees and the Duel event happened but we played it differently.

Went straight to trial, the decision comes down to a vote (which, with veto, means the mon just decides) so was voted guilty, had the option to do Trial by Combat instead, chose to take that option, then the monarch themselves has the option to fight the accused in the arena. I, of course, took that opportunity and fucking killed the Grandee because i’m the goat.

So had we played it differently we could have had @ElizaThePsycho kill @Silviu200530 in a trial by combat


please stop weskerposting in the council room

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as mentioned i have literally no idea if that trial scene is the right one but

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i think guava is mafia VOTE: guavagudetama

sheep me for a free win

Uh. Yeah, no.
I’ll just pass.

/fund _ 0 @ElizaThePsycho

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Kotc patch notes

  • Nobles can now bust out of jail

There was jail?