[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


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When is the next event?

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in like 1 and a half hours

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/donate 69 to grand Bazaar @ElizaThePsycho


tbh this is all so useless it might have been the least exciting rand of auction possible

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/donate 64 to Prison

Wait since when do we have 21 players?

The Mentalisms

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I wonder what other royal triffles exists within the kingdom

How is the queen of not-england doing in this nice day?


Auction ended. 24h passed.


sorry i was alseep


Funded buildings:
B. Prison (-1 Stability) (Funds: 70)
D. Grand Bazaar (+1 Trade) (Funds: 69)

About your Heir…

[insert some paragraph about how me and Rhoda are in love or something]

Queen Mother: Congratulations are in order; the Royal Wedding was a magnificent affair.
Eliza: Felt more like a life sentence than a wedding.
Queen Mother: That’s fine and dandy. But you’re still missing something: an Heir. A child of your own could do the trick, or a bastard child. Alternatively, you could adopt the youngest of your many cousins.
Eliza: I will…

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@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 2

Eliza: I will legitimize a bastard child.
Queen Mother: ok



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