[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

For what it’s worth. Eliza was scared of the counts actively voting C so much they vetoed it.
You should also know they are in the counts chat

im pretty sure eliza is in every chat


  1. I didn’t know your scheme was authority I was sheeping everyone else to cycle the events quicker
  2. That’s the monarch’s fault, not ours. They could’ve literally used veto or monarch’s vote and they chose to fuck you over, not us
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She should be. Otherwise I’d feel uncomfortable about this game.

but litten I know full well you’re just going to turn on them when it suits you

I just wanna get that message across

I’ll be straight up honest
I am not going to vote to screw over a facfion till it gets to the third stage of scheme, at that point, I’m confident one of the barons/counts will win and not the monarch

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nice cross post

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I will not vote to screw over the barons till they get to the third stage

well this and uh

I just really hate the statement of “well I don’t mind if X wins” midgame :p


Even if we are in the third stage, both of us, I still owe zone 300 gold fwiw

  1. Negligence is a blissful sin. Emphasis on “sin”.
  2. All of us are collectively scheming to overthrow the Monarch, except the votes are clearly telling me that your faction were planning to screw us over.

you mean ignorance? not negligence?

Oh yeah. That too.
I am having a thing against negligence that I forgot ignorance was a word. Whoops, my bad.

and yes it was ignorant
because I literally had never played this game during the An Untimely Death event lol

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Italy literally claimed to vote it to fuck the barons


okay but that’s Italy
Italy is a meme and a pseudo-Count
they’re not a grandee

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So basically: Everything is Italy’s fault.


Excuse me what


Italy has literally voted against us in like, most events im pretty sure

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Amelia also voged to fuck over the barons