[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

grandeez nuts

If you think about it, the Grandees’ collective hivemind are not 100% accountable because we’ve been led to our doom
Who is 100% accountable is the person leading the votes of the hivemind

if you think about it, trees really do exist

> admits to sheeping
> blames the person leading the herd

Funny. Hilarious, even.

What’s even more hilarious is that it’s not even Italy’s fault.

He’s been voting to increase Defiance despite not knowing that that was the requirement for the Grandees’ 2nd Scheme.

The events that Eliza happened to give were simply unbelievably unlucky for the entirety of the Grandees, yet the Grandees decided to shift the blame to the one person who’s invested the most in the game.

If this is not a ****show, then I don’t know what is.

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11 nobles voted for…

B: Threaten Kirth with sanctions for supplying gunpowder to the Barons. (Delay Scheme for one season)

You threaten Kirth with sanctions for supplying gunpowder to the Barons. You’ve bought yourself time; you can only hope it’s enough…
The Baron’s scheme will not be evaluated until the end of Season 7.


the one person who’s invested the most in [sabotaging] the game
This has gotten so bad I’m not even sure I want the Grandees to win while Italy is mechanically on our team
I feel totally deceived and lied to by Italy who has threw our entire team under the bus


Absolute nonsense. It’s because Italy has led our demise. Our defeat. Our destruction.
It is probably mathematically impossible for the cards to be dealt so poorly that a particular faction loses. Italy invested into our fall from glory.

A Terrible Cult

Catbae strides into your office calmly.
@catbae: Hello, Your Majesty! You must know that death comes for us all. But what if it didn’t have to? What if you could live forever?
Eliza: That… sounds like heresy.
catbae: All I’m saying is, if you want to—
At this very moment, the High Inquisitor busts into your office.
High Inquisitor: So he found you first. No matter. I’ve got word that catbae and the rest of the Counts plan to induct you into their cult of blood drinkers! This is obviously heresy, and needs to be dealt with!

Vote: What should be done about the Count’s attempts to induct the Queen into their cult?

A: Make the Queen officially refuse to join this cult. (-Authority, +Defiance)
B: Prevent the Queen from meeting privately with the Counts. (Delay Scheme for 1 season)
C: There’s no harm in letting the Counts do what they please.

VOTE: Choice C
There’s no harm in letting the queen make her own decisions

VOTE: Choice A

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Oh s***. Mechanically, it makes sense to vote C to keep our alliance, but in-lore…

Oh ****… I don’t think I can convince the other Barons if they decide to be anti-Cult.

(For the record, this event is very bad for me because I have an IRL bias against cultists.)

Uh… I… I… I abstain.

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cults are very welcoming btw

voted most likely to be cult leader <——

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I can see that your cult is different based on my conversations with other Counts.

However I would like for you to understand that I have a -no joke- IRL bias against cultists.

If it weren’t for the fact that this was a game and the fact that the Counts have helped us go past the previous event, then I would’ve immediately spammed Option A.


well i think we know why Zone isn’t a Count

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This is fair
On my college campus cults recruit aggrsssively, there’s some counter measure against this because students are being actively warned by other students to not join certain cult groups


For the record. My two IRL biases are cultists and giant whales. Guess which anime scarred me mentally. :upside_down_face:




the whole concept is terrifying btw


The cultists or the anime?

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